Communities Rediscovering Reading

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 “Literacy is at the heart of sustainable development.” ~ Kofi Annan

Recession: less disposable income. Fewer people are frequenting restaurants, bars, sporting events, malls. People are finding other ways to entertain themselves and that means rediscovering reading. The Library Research Service completed a study that determined library lending and patronage is up anywhere from 5% to 28% percent  in many Colorado communities. To read the full article, please visit

Here in Steamboat Springs, Colorado a brand new library facility has proven that if you provide a beautiful and welcoming community space, people will come! It appears this trend will be reflected in other States, too. 

Yesterday, I picked up the Battenkill Business Journal and read that the town neighboring my previous place of residence is going through the permitting process to build a new $4 library facility. That is fulfilling news to me because the town fathers have toyed around for years with what to do with an aging facility. The town of Manchester,Vermont is a gem, as is Steamboat Springs, Colorado. I personally believe that a new library facility in that town will become a valuable asset and center of community life, too. 

Readers are finding their way into libraries through portals other than walking through the  building  doors. On-line entry is becoming popular, too, as independently published e-books are starting to appear in library catalogs. Thanks to the pioneering efforts of the Colorado Independent Publishers Association a whole new generation of books are available  through digital reading platforms. Checking a book out of the library means not even having to drive anymore.

To learn more about the basics of the  independent publishing industry and how people are e-publishing books to entertain, inspire, educate and inform, a short webinar is now available.

From my perspective, although digital publishing (e-book publishing) is quickly becoming a strong presence on the book-buying scene, good bookstores and libraries will never disappear. They are commodities that strong communities will and should continue to support. High rates of  reading literacy is important for a prosperous world and any way you can reach large populations of people, young and old, through the written word it is to the benefit of those who will inherit this earth.

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