Publishing Message Of Importance

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 It is good to rub, and polish our brain against that of others. ~Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

This morning I’d like to send a shout out to two smart cookies –  Joyce Miller of Integrated Writers Services, LLC and to Jon R Tandler of Ryley Carlock and Applewhite for sharing their knowledge of copyright issues with the Colorado Independent Publishers Association members and guests. On Saturday, I came away feeling better informed. However, I am more convinced than ever that it is a good thing there are experts who can navigate the copyright laws for their publishing clients’ protection. Laws change, evolve, and are also constantly developing as we transition into world that is ever more reliant on digital media.  Here is a link to a very important resource for anyone in the creative field on copyright issues.


 Image source –

Now to a different subject but still within the realm of publishing – this year, the Colorado Independent Publishers Association has begun “focused forums” as part of their commitment to educating authors and publishers. These are great opportunities to hone in on a specific topic and learn from experienced publishing experts. Until the first of the year, these sessions are free for CIPA Members and non-members alike. Beginning in January there will be a charge to non-members of $25. It is necessary to pre-register on-line at  because space is limited.  See more specifics on the CIPA website.

The next focused form will be November 5th and the subject will be publishing children’s books. CIPA members Benjamin Hummel, Nancy Mills and Julie Federico will be leading the discussion. Anyone who has ever dreamed of writing for children should sign-up – it is free education!

On November 11th, Karen Saunders of MacGraphics Services will be talking about branding. If you are an author who is planning on writing more than one book, brand development is very important and can help sell books. (Think Chicken Soup for the Soul Series).

That’s my message for today. Have a fulfilling week ahead. This blog brought to you by .

Copyright: The Godfather?

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Yes, God made man first, but there’s always a rough draft before the final copy.”~Unknown


I already know what is on my plate for the weekend – I’m headed into Denver for the monthly meeting of the Colorado Independent Publishers Association. . Copyrighting will be the focus of the day tomorrow, and “our” own in-house expert, Joyce L. Miller, co-author of Copyright Clearance for Creatives will be speaking.   I’ve found Dr. C. Daniel and Joyce L. Miller’s resource so helpful, and it recently received an excellent review from Esther Sinofsky of the Booklist Review. .

There is so much to learn about copyrighting. I just read a cleverly written article that initially made me think the movie The Godfather had something to do copyright permissions and laws, the kind of copyrighting the Millers are experts in. As it turns out I had the wrong kind of copyrighting on my mind. The article by Peter Michaels was about the value of watching The Godfather because of the copy that was written. The brilliance of the screenwriters, Mario Puzo and Frances Ford Coppola is evident as the audience is led through the movie with a brilliant opening scene, dealings of the characters and their standings in the community. The narrative is not necessarily all told through dialogue.

After reading the article, I have been persuaded that I need to watch The Godfather again this weekend for completely different reasons – paying close attention, this time, to how the movie communicates and convinces.

So, what are you doing this weekend? I If you are person who is considering publishing, I encourage you to join a regional or state-wide independent publishing association, such as the Colorado Independent Publishers Association or a local writers group. Joining and networking with a groups of other writers and publishers is where you will learn all kinds of tips of the trade.

This blog brought to you by The space where independent thoughts, words and views are all part of the business. Do return to All Things Fulfilling on Monday.

Important First Steps to Publishing


It is not in the pursuit of happiness that we find fulfillment, it is in happiness of pursuit.” ~ Denis Waitley

The e-Book Extravaganza on Saturday sponsored by the Colorado Independent Publishers Association (CIPA) was well-worth attending. During one of the breaks, the President of CIPA, Dr. Patricia Ross came over to me and said “Sue, I’d like you to meet one of our new members.” Of course, the usual niceties followed.

I asked the new member if she was enjoying the morning, and she said “Yes, but I feel so uninformed! There is so little I know about independent publishing.” Dr. Ross told her not to be discouraged, and off the President went doing her job of hob-knobbing about the room.

CIPA 9 13 #1As the new member and I stood talking, I said to her, “You know, each and every person in this room started where you began today, knowing nothing. That is the reason you have joined this group -to get help, to learn, to network and become informed about your options.” There is a lot to learn and you have taken a very important first step. You have joined this group!”

“Yes,” the new member replied. “There seems to be plenty of knowledge to learn from in this group.”

Before the break was over and we went to sit in our respective seats, across the room from one another, I had one more thing I had to say. “In your free time, read anything you can get your hands on about the industry, and keep coming to this group. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself.”

To learn more about the Colorado Independent Publishers Association, please visit this link. Please note the organization also offers downloadable webinars if you are too far to travel to their meetings.

As I drove home, I began to ponder how many first steps I have taken since 1998, when the independent industry was in its infancy. They’ve all been in a quest to learn all I could about the industry and it led to becoming a business.  And the wonders and development of the independent publishing universe never cease to amaze me. I find it fascinating.

This blog brought to you by The space where independent thoughts, words and views are all part of the business. See you tomorrow on All Things Fulfilling.

e-Book Extravaganza

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Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family. ~ Kofi Annan

cipa logoOn Saturday I made the very worthwhile three hour trek into Denver from Steamboat Springs, Colorado to attend Colorado Independent Publishers Association (CIPA) monthly meeting. The September agenda was an e-Book Extravaganza. Here are just a few things that were discussed throughout the day:

  • The e-book industry now represents 33% of book sales. How about that?
  • People like having a choice of formats, so offering books in print, as well as an e-book version is wise marketing.
  • There is still a viable market for books-in-print but there is a certain part of the reading population who are clamoring for e-books due to their convenience.
  • Surprisingly, people who are 55 years of age and over ARE BUYING e-books, contrary to what was expected. It is not just the young generation that are interested in the digital format.
  • We discussed pricing of e-books and how you can leverage your intellectual property.
  • E-books make it easy to offer samples, providing potential book buyers the  opportunity to see if they like an author they’ve never read before.
  • A big advantage to e-books – there is no printing involved, thus it removes the need for physical space of inventory.

If you are a writer who wants to get on The Fast Track to Independent Publishing, here is a short webinar that will introduce you to the basics. 

Do return tomorrow to All Things Fulfilling, we will be discussing the next best step if you are a person who is considering independent publishing and you are in need of knowledge. I will tell you a quick but valuable story from this weekend.

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One grateful thought is a ray of sunshine.  A hundred such thoughts paint a sunrise.  A thousand will rival the glaring sky at noonday – for gratitude is light against the darkness.” Richelle E. Goodrich, author of Eena

The evening of August 20th was a full moon which always means a short night of sleep for me. Every month my circadian rhythm (biological clock) is always thrown off during a full moon from the light streaming in the bedroom window. As I tossed and turned from 2:30am until morning, it gave me plenty of time to reflect on how grateful I was for the kindness of others who helped me celebrate my birthday just hours before.

My We Write Steamboat networking group surprised me, as I walked into the conference room for our monthly meeting. A birthday cake with lit candles and other surprises to help me celebrate were waiting for my arrival. Thank you all, it meant so much!

IMAG0855Guess what else I received for my birthday? My twin sister took time out of her life to go by train from the ‘burbs of Maryland into Washington, D.C. to pick up some book-related things from the Library of Congress gift shop She sent some book plates, a 2014 calendar, Library of Congress post-it-notes and a magnetic book marker that reads “I Can Not Live Without Books.” Wonderful present, Jan. It was so thoughtful of you, I greatly appreciate it!  Don’t I have a nice sister?

Speaking of the Library of Congress, there was a recent article in the Wall Street Journal about the explosion of the audio book publishing industry. Did you see it? Must be it will be necessary for The Library of Congress to expand their catalogs to accommodate for the growth of e-books and audio books. Here is a link to the article.

Again, thank you to everyone who sent birthday greetings on-line from all over the world, cards and phone calls. Who would have thought when I began this business in 1998 that  my list of independent publishing friends and acquaintances would grow  exponentially  – that’s the progression of an industry. I am feeling over the moon because my life is fulfilling and there is no darkness in my life except in the middle of the night, when the full moon is not bathing me in bright light.

books buy happiness

This blog brought to you by Come back tomorrow on All Things Fulfilling. Where independent thoughts, words and views are all part of the business.

Book Club Buzz

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“Reason, observation and experience; the holy trinity of science.” ~ Robert Green Ingersoll

book group insiderAs I conclude my blog series about book clubs, here is what I have ascertained from being a casual observer.

Conclusion:  “Bookies” have their own opinions of what they like in a story. They are spirited and fight respectfully to uphold their side of the debate of whether they think a book was a good read or not.

Conclusion: Journeys of the heart, that incorporate lessons or themes involving moral judgments make for good book discussions.

Conclusion: Avid readers usually make  decent writers. They know what makes for a fulfilling story, and have a vault full of their own wealth of experiences to write about.

Conclusion: Most members are as interested in the author, as the storyline. This leads to curiosity about learning more about the writing process and publishing.

Thus, the group asked me to explain what I do. I said “everything I do in my professional life involves writing and reading. I consult with independent publishers on how to market and sell their products over the internet.”

A discussion ensued about how the publishing industry has changed. No surprise to this group. Many have had the experience of reading e-books. We talked about how digital technology has changed the way books, films and music is being produced. I left them with the thought that people just like themselves who have stories to tell, can now do it and not fear having a warehouse full of books sitting waiting to be sold. Print on demand and e-books have eliminated that.

I’d like to say thank you to the women in the Dorchester County Maryland book club who allowed me to observe their group discussion of “The Postmistress,” and for the opportunity to share with them information about the independent publishing industry. I enjoyed it very much.

Please return to All Things Fulfilling tomorrow. The space where independent thoughts, words and views are all part of the business. This blog brought to you by

Bay to Ocean Writers Conference


To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. —Joseph Chilton Pearce

Winter is a good time to hold a Writers Conference. It’s the time of year when people spend more time indoors reading and writing! Mark your calendar! 

bto logo tiny

What: The 17th annual Bay to Ocean Writers Conference

When: February 22, 2014

Where:KentHumanitiesBuilding, ChesapeakeCollege, Wye Mills, Maryland 

How do I know if this conference is for me?

The mission of the non-profit organization that sponsors this one day conference is “to inform, encourage and inspire writers of all levels from beginners to published authors.”

More details, please. To see the list of 2013 presenters and their offerings please visit the website for the Bay to Ocean Writers Conference.

Please visit this link.

The line-up is jam-packed with fulfilling subjects for writers in every genre. Workshops range from the Craft of Writing, to Poetry, to Marketing and Using Social Media. You will have an opportunity for one on one manuscript review, there will be agents available. 

If independent publishing and e-book publishing (digital/electronic publishing) strikes your fancy, sign up now. There will be  independent publishing industry experts on hand to educate you on this growing trend of publishing, which now represents more than 50% of all publishing revenue.

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to publish. We all have our own preferences and ways of doing things. In this day and age, publishing can be whatever your heart desires!

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Honoring Those Behind the Scenes

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successThe other day I posted several blogs about the 2013 EVVY book awards from the Colorado Independent Publishers Association. Service providers are also recognized for their outstanding work on the night of the award presentations They are the individuals and companies  who work behind the scenes to help independent publishers create and sell quality publications for the marketplace.

Today, I would like to acknowledge the  freelance professionals who provide services to the independent publishing industry, such as printing companies, editors, cover designers, layout designers, e-book formatters and designers, marketing , copyright experts and more. Here is a helpful link  for finding assistance with your publishing projects  for the future. .

If you are an author in any state or region looking to hire high quality freelance professionals to help you with your publishing project, a great place to start is to contact a regional or statewide trade association for independent publishers. They may be able to steer you in the right direction by locating companies who support authors in all parts of the publishing process.

When you are in the planning stage of publishing a book, decide what part of the process you can handle yourself and what parts would be best left to the professionals. It will make for a smoother process and a quality end result.

Gold Standards in Independent Publishing

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Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution. ~ William A Foster

Award-winning authors with award winning books! Today we continue highlighting authors who took away 2013 EVVY prizes from the Colorado Independent Publishers Association (CIPA) last month.

Click for info & ordering

Each of the aforementioned authors, as well as those who received second, third and merit awards from CIPA are setting high standards for all independent publishers. The Colorado Independent Publishers Association is working hard to ensure that top quality authors are reaping the rewards. The organization is putting into place high standards for judging criteria for book contests. Thank you, CIPA, for leading the way with your EVVY awards.

To read the full list of the 2013 EVVY award-wining books, please visit

This blog brought to you by A company specializing in e-commerce & e-marketing for independent publishers. Please return tomorrow to All Things Fulfilling, where independent thoughts, words and views are all part of the business.

Putting Balance Back in Life


“Art tends toward balance, order, judgment of relative values, the laws of growth, the economy of living – very good things for anyone to be interested in.” ~ Robert Henri

After a winter season that seems to have lasted into infinity, it as if I am looking through dirty windows. I am feeling shuttered up, listless. Creativity and inspiration? What’s that?  Funny, how the weather affects us.

Yesterday, gave me hope I was looking for – it was warm and sunny. Finally, snow only exists on upper elevations. I am so looking forward to spring and summer. This week I will set off to visit business clients in the other parts of the country. I have a lot to accomplish but, a change of scenery, alone, is bound to bring all kinds of fulfilling things to reinvigorate my spirit.

Strings Music Festival will again be at the centerpiece of my summer. I love that big name stars including Lyle Lovett this summer will come to entertain in this remote northwestern town. In the other seasons, the piled-up snow is replaced with artistic experiences, of all kinds, heaped up-high. .

I’m also excited about a July event – A Day for Writers, the 32nd annual, sponsored by the Steamboat Writers Group. John Calderazzo and Clay Haskell will help us explore writing from the perspective of an essayist and screenwriter. And of course, the ever-popular Five Minutes of Fame, hosted by Cesare Rosati, will give local authors an opportunity to read from their works in progress. This year, I may just have to add my voice. Although “regulars” have heard it, there are others who have not. .

art towns in AmericaGet out and enjoy local arts in your community, this summer. And if your plans include travel, this book may come in handy, if you are looking to visit some arts destinations.  <a href=””>The 100 Best Art Towns in America: A Guide to Galleries, Museums, Festivals, Lodging and Dining, Fourth Edition</a><img src=”; width=”1″ height=”1″ border=”0″ alt=”” style=”border:none !important; margin:0px !important;” />
by John Villani, can be ordered through e-commerce.

Travel back tomorrow to  All Things Fulfilling, where sharing independent thoughts, words and views  are all part of the business. This blog is brought to you by