Good News: It’s All There

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“In a knowledge economy natural selection favors organizations that can most effectively harness and coordinate collective intellectual energy and creative capacity. ~ Justin Rosenstein

There is a new website, just launched on Tuesday called Guardian Sustainable Business. It is organized by some of America’s top companies such as Google and Coca Cola. The  mission behind GSB is to “rethink the prosperity hub.” It’s target audience will be 18 to 30 year olds who will be our next generation of business leaders. It’s hoped they will do things with an eye on sustainability.

sustainable world“The aim is to provide a dynamic showcase of technologies, campaigns and entrepreneurs for young people to participate in, celebrate, share and draw on to change their own lives and the lives of others.” According to this article, the good news is “everything we need to co-create a sustainable world is already out there.”

The human creative spirit will be relied on to bring about much change in the way people live. I must ask, is that not what brought America to its prosperous rankings the world in the first place?

Interested in learning more about Guardian Sustainable Business? Click on this link. Sign up to get mailings and become informed about how as a nation we can harness everything we’ve got and move into a more sustainable place as a nation.

Next Thirsty Thursday, the day of the week devoted to good news, we will follow up this story with another about children entrepreneurs who are climbing the corporate ladder with their digital knowledge.

This blog is brought to you by award-winning author Sue Batton Leonard. See you tomorrow on All Things

The Wild West of Publishing

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Wild West of Publishing


Have you signed up? In case you hadn’t heard the Wild West of Publishing is coming to Steamboat Springs, Colorado on Saturday, May 23rd from 9am to 1pm.

A whole morning of information aimed at authors needs for knowledge so they don’t get shot in the process of publishing. Thanks to sponsorship of the Steamboat ArtsCouncil, this educational presentation from the Colorado Independent Publishers Association is very affordable – $15 per registrant.

An overview of the May 23rd program:

Traditional vs Independent publishing – Dr. Patricia Ross, Publisher Hugo House Publisher and Patty Moosebrugger of Blue Ink Review

Editing and Design Production: Nick Zelinger, NZ Graphics and Melanie Mulhall, Dragonheart Writing and Editing

The Publishing Process – Joe and Jan McDaniel of BookCrafters, Mike Daniels, The Publishers Coach and Patricia Ross

Marketing – Sue Leonard, Kathy Mason, Mason Works Press and Mary Walewski, Buy the Book Marketing.

You may register on-line  or sign up the morning of the program or call 970-879-9008.

See you in Steamboat!

This blog is brought to you by Sue Batton Leonard, an award-winning author of the Colorado Independent Publishers Association.


Letter to Santa

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santaDear Santa,

As I look out through the frozen window glass I am thinking of  a letter that I had sent to the North Pole a few years ago asking for your help with a publication I was writing.

In the correspondence I asked for a few things. I requested a big box of perseverance and patience – I got that! Large enough to see myself through my memoir project.

I asked for memories of my childhood so I could incorporate them into the story. Some were clear and others, a bit distorted, like frozen window glass.

A shovel was sorely needed so I could dig deep to remember the most meaningful times in my life. The shovel appeared, held up and didn’t disappoint me.

Admittedly, I wore out the thesaurus you included in my Christmas gifts that year. I referred to it so many times to get just the right words I needed, it’s all dog eared. This year, I need the latest, greatest updated edition for my next publishing project.

That light bulb you sent me to illuminate my mind – well, it’s all burnt out. I’ll need another one of those too. I think to myself “Maybe Santa will bring it when he and his reindeers drop off the new thesaurus.”

I asked you to send smart people my way to help me with the skillsets where I was lacking. Well, they arrived when they were needed and they were just plain terrific.

 The editor was given a very difficult task with Fanny’s unique and eloquent language. But, the editor hitched up her breeches and lived up to the task.

The graphic designer for my book cover created something I was thrilled with.

 And as for the sound technician and the audio book producer, they were superb. Without them, an award-winning audio book may not have happened.

This Christmas, I’d just like to say thank you, Santa, for your all help. As I look through the frozen window glass I realize my dreams have come true. Fanny and I have even won three book awards. I can hear my beloved Fanny now.  “Lord a Mercy, I didn’t know y’alls were gonna put me in a book. Dis is more den I coulda ever expected!”

This Christmas as Fanny would have suggested, I will leave you and your reindeer champagne glasses full of “da bestest water” as a thank you.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Cheers!

Fondly, Sue Batton Leonard, author of the award-winning book Gift of a Lifetime: Finding Fulfilling Things in the Unexpected. 

P.S. Thanks to the world-wide web, Santa will receive this letter in plenty of time for Xmas.

Validating Quality Writers

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The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential…these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. ~ Confucious

CIPA is one of the most active and top independent publishing associations in the country, and they have worked hard to gain their admired reputation. The Colorado Independent Publisher’s Association’s educational programs afforded me the opportunity to learn so much about the parts of the publishing process that I wasn’t well-versed in while writing my memoir, Gift of a Lifetime: Finding Fulfillment in the Unexpected. It is soon to be released.

Writers write for all kinds of reasons – to inspire, influence and educate others. Aside from strong book sales, book awards validate that an authors work is worthy of respect and notice.

I encourage my clients to seek book awards whenever possible. A prestigious EVVY award from the Colorado Independent Publishers Association goes along way in recognizing an author for their excellence.

It is a very special year for the Colorado Independent Publishers. The EVVY book award contest is in it’s 20th year. It’s grown to include submissions from authors in countries that are far removed from the United  States. Last year contestants came from Dubai and Russia!

2014 CIPA awards    You need not be a CIPA member anymore to enter the contest, the submission guidelines have    changed. Here is what just one award winner, Teresa Funke, has to say about the contest. “I’ve been the lucky recipient of five CIPA EVVY awards over the last eleven years for my novel, my short story collection, and two of my children’s books. Why do I continue to enter the contest? Because CIPA is doing something very important with these awards . . . they are recognizing and honoring high-qualify self-published books of all genres and bringing credibility to the efforts we make as independent authors. CIPA was providing positive attention to our books long before many credible sources would even consider looking at self-published authors. Each year, my competition in the contest has grown stronger and more impressive, proof that we, as an industry, are moving forward. I’m proud to be a CIPA EVVY winner not just because it means that my books are good, but also because it puts quality indie books on a par with those that are traditionally published.  And, frankly, it’s fun once in a while to get dressed up and go celebrate our achievements with fellow authors who have worked just as hard as we have!” 

Here is a link to the website so you can read about the submission guidelines, the fees and the various deadlines.

Heads up! The submission deadline is May 17! Join in and don’t miss out!

See you on Monday on All Things Fulfilling. This blog brought to you by,

Join in, Neighbors


In most vital organizations, there is a common bond of interdependence, mutual interest, interlocking contributions, and simple joy.” —Max DePree

neighborhoodA few years ago I started a networking group called We Write Steamboat. The mission of the group is to provide support for independent publishers and to foster independent publishing success. This week we reached a new landmark. We now have 51 members.

I  live in a community where arts and literacy is highly  valued.  The Bud Werner Memorial Library, is a stellar resource in town. Artists  in this rural community find support from several organizations here including the Steamboat Arts Council and the Steamboat Writers Group which serves a great purpose of helping authors to develop their writing through very valuable critique.

Members of the Colorado Independent Publishers Association (aka CIPA) in Denver is also very beneficial in terms of educating and connecting writers with freelance professionals in all parts of the publishing process.

It never ceases to amaze me what a diverse group of writers there are throughout the State of Colorado, and it’s always a fulfilling to see our We Write Steamboat members’ projects come to fruition. Over the next few weeks, several Steamboat Springs authors will be featured on radio talk shows and television. I will be  blogging about our We Write Steamboat members who will be in the media spotlight so the public can learn more about their publications, their careers and their interests.

bookWe Write Steamboat will also be offering a new writers’ series called “So, You Want to Write a Book? beginning in February 2014. Next week on All Things Fulfilling, I will be posting more information on this educational opportunity for those who are considering writing a book or for those who are already in the process and want to know more about taking a rough manuscript to a polished, saleable and marketable independent publication.

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Quick Delivery, Read it & Enjoy!

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On Friday, I read an interesting article in USA Today about business and entrepreneurship. The article described how the co-founder of Reddit, Alexis Ohaninan, was fueled by rejection. “True failure,” it was pointed out in the article ” is not to persevere and learn from setbacks.”

The article also mentioned how the Millennial generation has grown up in an environment so different than what older Americans have experienced before. There is no longer a predetermined path for the American dream, thus in today’s world “there aren’t a lot of conventions to be conventional about.”

This statement made me think about publishing and how it is almost unrecognizable from where it was back in the late 1990s, when I began my company. At that time, only a few brave souls with spirit dared “buck the system” and publish independently. Now, we have moved into a whole different publishing model, where the independents have gained substantial market share which includes e-books (digital publishing).  Whether we can predict whether a time will come when books will only be available in digital form, it is too early to tell.

sprout greenThere are those who say they will never read an e-book, but my  question to doubters is “What is wrong with progress? Is that not what brought about the printing press?” And, I will always maintain my position that “a good read, is a good read, no matter how it is delivered. E-books are just one more way you can say you’ve read it and enjoyed it!

This blog brought to you by See you tomorrow on All Things Fulfilling.

Copyright: The Godfather?

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Yes, God made man first, but there’s always a rough draft before the final copy.”~Unknown


I already know what is on my plate for the weekend – I’m headed into Denver for the monthly meeting of the Colorado Independent Publishers Association. . Copyrighting will be the focus of the day tomorrow, and “our” own in-house expert, Joyce L. Miller, co-author of Copyright Clearance for Creatives will be speaking.   I’ve found Dr. C. Daniel and Joyce L. Miller’s resource so helpful, and it recently received an excellent review from Esther Sinofsky of the Booklist Review. .

There is so much to learn about copyrighting. I just read a cleverly written article that initially made me think the movie The Godfather had something to do copyright permissions and laws, the kind of copyrighting the Millers are experts in. As it turns out I had the wrong kind of copyrighting on my mind. The article by Peter Michaels was about the value of watching The Godfather because of the copy that was written. The brilliance of the screenwriters, Mario Puzo and Frances Ford Coppola is evident as the audience is led through the movie with a brilliant opening scene, dealings of the characters and their standings in the community. The narrative is not necessarily all told through dialogue.

After reading the article, I have been persuaded that I need to watch The Godfather again this weekend for completely different reasons – paying close attention, this time, to how the movie communicates and convinces.

So, what are you doing this weekend? I If you are person who is considering publishing, I encourage you to join a regional or state-wide independent publishing association, such as the Colorado Independent Publishers Association or a local writers group. Joining and networking with a groups of other writers and publishers is where you will learn all kinds of tips of the trade.

This blog brought to you by The space where independent thoughts, words and views are all part of the business. Do return to All Things Fulfilling on Monday.

Motivate for Writing Success

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endless possibilities

You are cordially invited to infinite possibilities in publishing. The Universe is open and waiting, all you have to do is take action and seize the moment. Isn’t it true that only thing that stops us in life is our own fears, self-doubt and hesitations?

If you have ever thought “I’ve got a book inside of me” November is National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO). It is an excellent time to get fired up and motivate yourself to start fulfilling what you have always dreamed of doing.

This month begin preparing yourself psychologically. Pull out all the stops and begin visualizing success. You’ve got thirty days in November to write with pure abandon. That doesn’t mean you have to finish your novel within a month’s time, but participation in the event is a great way begin to build momentum for your publishing project.

A writing partner or group who will help you stay accountable and on task is a good idea for those who need the support. Check with your local library, they may have an organized plan for those who are participating in this event.

This blog brought to you by See you tomorrow on All Things Fulfilling.

Important First Steps to Publishing


It is not in the pursuit of happiness that we find fulfillment, it is in happiness of pursuit.” ~ Denis Waitley

The e-Book Extravaganza on Saturday sponsored by the Colorado Independent Publishers Association (CIPA) was well-worth attending. During one of the breaks, the President of CIPA, Dr. Patricia Ross came over to me and said “Sue, I’d like you to meet one of our new members.” Of course, the usual niceties followed.

I asked the new member if she was enjoying the morning, and she said “Yes, but I feel so uninformed! There is so little I know about independent publishing.” Dr. Ross told her not to be discouraged, and off the President went doing her job of hob-knobbing about the room.

CIPA 9 13 #1As the new member and I stood talking, I said to her, “You know, each and every person in this room started where you began today, knowing nothing. That is the reason you have joined this group -to get help, to learn, to network and become informed about your options.” There is a lot to learn and you have taken a very important first step. You have joined this group!”

“Yes,” the new member replied. “There seems to be plenty of knowledge to learn from in this group.”

Before the break was over and we went to sit in our respective seats, across the room from one another, I had one more thing I had to say. “In your free time, read anything you can get your hands on about the industry, and keep coming to this group. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself.”

To learn more about the Colorado Independent Publishers Association, please visit this link. Please note the organization also offers downloadable webinars if you are too far to travel to their meetings.

As I drove home, I began to ponder how many first steps I have taken since 1998, when the independent industry was in its infancy. They’ve all been in a quest to learn all I could about the industry and it led to becoming a business.  And the wonders and development of the independent publishing universe never cease to amaze me. I find it fascinating.

This blog brought to you by The space where independent thoughts, words and views are all part of the business. See you tomorrow on All Things Fulfilling.

e-Book Extravaganza

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Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family. ~ Kofi Annan

cipa logoOn Saturday I made the very worthwhile three hour trek into Denver from Steamboat Springs, Colorado to attend Colorado Independent Publishers Association (CIPA) monthly meeting. The September agenda was an e-Book Extravaganza. Here are just a few things that were discussed throughout the day:

  • The e-book industry now represents 33% of book sales. How about that?
  • People like having a choice of formats, so offering books in print, as well as an e-book version is wise marketing.
  • There is still a viable market for books-in-print but there is a certain part of the reading population who are clamoring for e-books due to their convenience.
  • Surprisingly, people who are 55 years of age and over ARE BUYING e-books, contrary to what was expected. It is not just the young generation that are interested in the digital format.
  • We discussed pricing of e-books and how you can leverage your intellectual property.
  • E-books make it easy to offer samples, providing potential book buyers the  opportunity to see if they like an author they’ve never read before.
  • A big advantage to e-books – there is no printing involved, thus it removes the need for physical space of inventory.

If you are a writer who wants to get on The Fast Track to Independent Publishing, here is a short webinar that will introduce you to the basics. 

Do return tomorrow to All Things Fulfilling, we will be discussing the next best step if you are a person who is considering independent publishing and you are in need of knowledge. I will tell you a quick but valuable story from this weekend.

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